c3L01 - Websites and domains

Last modified by Daniel Nübling on 2022/08/03 08:12

Websites and domains

In this lesson, participants will understand the structure of internet addresses (domains). 


All you need to prepare is a PC and an internet connection. Alternatively, this exercise can also take place on a tablet or smartphone.

Method / Process description

Explain the basic concepts about domains and subdomains, the first-level domains (.com .net .org) and the country-based domains. Also explain other topic-based domains and how an address is referenced (as a page in a blog, picture, video).

Then hand out the worksheet and support learners in completing the task. 

Alternatively, the answers can be worked out together. 

Download material

Short facts


Target groupAdult and young class
SettingIndividual and group work
Time45+ min.
  • PC / Smartphone / Tablet
  • Internet
  • Material (see below)