c2L01 - Fishing for information in wikis

Last modified by Daniel Nübling on 2022/08/03 08:12

Collective // Collaboration Knowledge Construction

Wikipedia.org, a prime example of knowledge construction, is a free online encyclopedia with free lexical entries and articles on a wide variety of topics, and is one of the top ten most accessed websites in the world.

This exercise explores the topic of collective knowledge construction // collaborative knowledge construction, specifically how and for what purposes wikis are created.


All that is needed for preparation is a PC, smartphone and an internet connection to look up information from the internet.

Lecture on the topic of collective knowledge construction // collaborative knowledge construction. The lecture should explain the following keywords:

  • Information Society
  • collective knowledge construction
  • collaborative knowledge construction
  • What is a wiki? 
  • What is meant by a wiki principle?
  • How is a wiki constructed?
  • Example: Wikipedia, wikis for libraries, etc....

The exercise sheets serve as additional support and stimulation.

Method / Process description

The participants are given the task to familiarize themselves with the possibilities of a wiki. 

As an introduction to the topic, a short input on the topic of collective knowledge construction // collaborative knowledge construction // Wikipedia will be given. The focus will be on the possibilities offered by Wikipedia.

Following this, participants will be asked to get together in groups of two and consider the following questions:

  • What are wikis?
  • How can wikis be used?
  • How can wikis be used for companies?
  • What needs to be taken into account to ensure that wikis are used with pleasure?
  • What wiki software is available?
  • These questions should be elaborated and made available in the form of a handout for all participants (all groups of two).

Afterwards, the participants go together in groups and are assigned roles by the teacher. 

Project manager Students working together on a project
Scientistcompany that wants to provide knowledge to its customers
BeekeeperCompany whose employees work exclusively via home office

The participants should now think about their assigned roles and consider how a wiki can be used for their goals (as beekeepers, project managers, etc.).

  • What information does their wiki contain?
  • Who all might be interested in their wiki? Who uses it (in-house, private, ...)?
  • What do they need to consider to make wikis enjoyable to use?
  • Which wiki software will they use?

Afterwards, the participants should create a promotional folder together in their groups and advertise the advantages of their wiki. The promotional folder can be prepared using a tool for image and graphic design.

TIP: For this task, we collected a list of suitable tools in this wiki.

Download material

Worksheet: Wikis - A pool of information

Worksheet: How does a wiki work // Who uses it?


Short facts

Target groupAdults & young people
SettingGroup work and plenum
Time4 units à 45 min.
  • Flipchart
  • Internet-enabled device
  • Internet
  • Material for download