c2 How digitalisation is changing our everyday lives

Last modified by Daniel Nübling on 2022/08/03 08:12


The age of digitalisation has led to enormous social change. The effects affect not only new technologies, but all areas of everyday life. Whether professionally or privately, almost nothing works without digitalisation. Communication with the smartphone in the smart home is already standard for many. Digital assistants for concluding contracts or while driving are always ready to serve society. But not all people view the trend positively. This is particularly dependent on whether or not their own ability to act is restricted by it. This is clearly illustrated by the example of digital communication. If people experience digital communication as enrichment, digitisation tends to be evaluated positively. However, if digital communication is held responsible for the decrease in interpersonal contacts, this leads to a negative evaluation of digital development. Critical discourse is of central importance! And the correct handling of information and data is becoming increasingly important. How "transparent" can everyday life become?

The implementation of digital technologies in private, public and economic life raises many questions. What is behind all the digital innovations and what techniques are used to make information go viral globally? How is information generated and knowledge constructed?

Learning aims

Learning aims
He/she is able to recognise and understand how disruptive technologies affect everyday life in both private and professional life and can grasp both the positive and negative effects of these technological advances and decide to what extent he/she trusts them and implements them in his/her everyday life.


  • understands the importance and scope of digitalisation for everyday life.
  • understands the importance of disruptive technologies
  • builds up knowledge about digitalisation and is thus better able to deal with it in everyday life

He/She can

  • describe possible consequences of increasing digitalisation in personal everyday life
  • describe the positive and negative impacts of disruptive technologies.
  • identify positive and negative aspects of the digitalisation of everyday life.

He/She is able to

  • personally evaluate the use of digital technologies in everyday life.
  • evaluate disruptive technologies.
  • evaluate, select and use digital technologies for him/herself.

Learning material

ExerciseShort descriptionTypeTime neededDescription and material

c2L01 - Fishing for information in wikis

This exercise explores the topic of Collective Knowledge Construction // Collaborative Knowledge Construction, specifically how and for what purposes wikis are created.Group work and plenum4 units à 45 min.detail description....

c2L02 - Smart home for smarter living?!

This exercise explores the topic of smart homes, particularly the advantages, disadvantages, and dangers that can arise from implementing such systems.Group work and plenumr units à 45 min.detail description....