c3 Messenger Services

Last modified by Daniel Nübling on 2022/08/03 08:12



Instant messenger services are now one of the most important means of communication worldwide. The significant increase in users, supported by the widespread use of smartphones, has completely turned the communication behaviour of people in the 21st century upside down. Whereas telephone calls used to be indispensable for communication, today it is short messages via WhatsApp and Co. These providers enable extremely flexible communication that is not tied to time or place - as long as there is an internet connection. Messenger services have become an indispensable part of our everyday lives, both privately and in business and professional communication. In contrast to analogue means of communication such as telephony, messenger services also enable the transmission of videos, pictures and documents.

The aim of this chapter is to get to know a wide variety of messenger services and to develop strategies on how we can evaluate the services for use in private and professional environments.

Learning aims

Learning aims
He/she is able to use instant messenger services in a self-determined way to send and/or exchange messages.

He / She can

  • Describe the basic principle of an instant messenger service
  • Describe up to three different messenger services
  • Identify elements that ensure safe use of messenger services.

He / She can

  • Develop a strategy on how to use an instant messenger service to exchange messages.
  • Use an instant messenger service other than WhatsApp or facebook-messenger specifically.
  • Select messenger services that enable secure use

He / She can

  • Apply strategies to use the right messenger services depending on the context.
  • Apply strategies to use Messer services safely with regard to data protection

Learning material

ExerciseShort descriptionTypeTime neededDescription and material
c3L01 - Messenger services viewed criticallyThe purpose of this exercise is to take a closer look at the topic of "messenger services", especially which problems can arise from their use.Group work and plenum45 min.detail description....