c2L06 - Physical Risks

Last modified by Daniel Nübling on 2022/08/03 08:12

Physical Risks

Yes, the virtual world also has physical risks for users. The biggest risk though is not having enough movement and eating and drinking unhealthy stuff while using the internet. But there are further risks that parents should be aware of in order to protect their children. In this exercise, risks due to accidents and eating disorders are presented in particular.   

Method / Process description

  • Input:  Introduce the topic of physical risks from using the Internet (see Module 6 > 6.2. Accompanying children in their use of digital media > Risks for children and young people online > Physical Risks).
    • Explain that the greatest risk comes from too little exercise and unhealthy eating habits while using the Internet.
    • List the diseases that result from these habits:
      • obesity
      • back problems
      • cardiovascular disease
      • motion disorders in younger children
    • These diseases can cause further problems for children like bullying and low self-esteem.
    • Explain why it is therefore important for parents to make sure their children spend enough time playing offline, doing sports, walking to school, riding their bikes,...
    • Avoid the habit of combining digital media consumption with food consumption. People are often unable to adequately control the amount of food they eat while doing something else. Also avoid soft drinks as a regular beverage, especially while children are playing video games.
    • These measures are also helpful for the health of parents.
  • Exercise: Split the class into groups of 2-3 people. Let participants research on the internet for 10 minutes which video games and apps they can find that require users to actually move. Get together in plenum and gather apps on the board.

Apps for Moving Kids

Instagram Search

Moving Program for Families

Download material


Short facts

Target groupAdult class
SettingGroup work and Plenum
Time45 min.
  • Internet-enabled devices