c1 Digital Society

Last modified by Daniel Nübling on 2022/08/03 08:12


The number of internet users is expected to rise to around 4.14 billion in 20211 and they are making increasing use of digital opportunities. In Germany alone, around 19 million people order food at least once a month via online portals2. What was unthinkable years ago is now common practice. Applications are sent by e-mail, people continue their education via online courses and official channels are handled via online administrative portals. Digital progress and its technologies have penetrated almost all areas of human life and determine everyday life. The smartphone has become a constant companion and apps a must-have. Street maps are obsolete, google maps help, and it takes only seconds to find out when the tram, train or bus is coming. The main thing is that there is enough data volume available These digital tools create such a dependency that life without a smartphone, internet access and the like is no longer imaginable. Society is undergoing an immense transformation as a result, which justifies the term "digital society".

Learning aims

Learning aims
He / she understands and knows the most important digital tools to find the desired online forms and to use them for personal, electronic official channels. He / she knows that these possibilities expand a society's ability to participate, but also knows about the dangers (data security, data protection, etc.) that can result from electronic official processes.


  • understands that every citizen has a right to political participation
  • understands that the internet influences democracy
  • understands the theories and methods of e-Participation
  • understands that e-voting creates an additional opportunity for participation in political events
  • understands that e-democracy can have both positive and negative effects on change in some areas.

He/She is can

  • recognise the changes using concrete examples from the internet
  • identify the e-participation opportunities based on the theories and methods.
  • recognise the wide range of e-voting possibilities using concrete
    examples from the internet.
  • use concrete examples from the internet to recognise which posts, personal data on the net could entail dangers.

He/She is able ro

  • use e-democracy tools according to his/her needs
  • evaluate benefits and threats of e-democracy
  • derive participation possibilities for him/herself from the theories and methods.
  • evaluate advantages and disadvantages of e-voting
  • demonstrate democratic participation
    possibilities on the internet..

Learning material

ExerciseShort descriptionTypeTime neededDescription and material

c1L01 - Digital Identity

This exercise deals with the topic of e-government/mobile phone signature/citizen card.Individual, group work and plenum4 units of 45 min.detail description....

c1L02 - More citizen participation through eParticipation

This exercise deals with the topic of e-participation/ online initiatives/ online platforms/ online petitions. Individual, group work and plenum3 units of 45 min.detail description....

c1L03 - E-Voting

This exercise explores the topic of e-voting, in particular the advantages, disadvantages and dangers that may arise from the implementation of such systems.Individual, group work and plenum3 units of 45 min.detail description....