c1 - Finding Information On The Internet

Last modified by Daniel Nübling on 2022/08/03 08:34


The internet has become one of the most important sources of information for us. 

Be it news about current world events, test and experience reports on certain products and services, opinions, recommendations and discussions or detailed background information on every conceivable topic: All this and much more is just a click away. 

In contrast to other media, the Internet enables information to be passed on and people to exchange information via forums, blogs, wikis and social media. Content is not only available at any time, but also at any location. 

We no longer have to know everything, it has become much more important for us to understand how we can find the relevant information on the Internet. Already in 2018 there were over a billion websites worldwide. The sheer number of websites shows just how important it is for us to know different ways of getting the information we want.

The aim of this chapter is to develop strategies on how we can find suitable sources of information on the Internet, check them for their truth and information content and assess them according to their value.

Learning aims

Learning aims
He/She is in the position to use a search engine in a self-determined way to find the desired information. 
He/She is able to name different sources of information in the internet and is able to decide which sources will be used in the individuell context. 
He/She has developed a sensibility for the value of a information in the internet and the source of the information

He/She can 

  • describe the basic principle of a search engine
  • name up to 3 different search engines
  • name different sources of information (on- and offline)
  • describe the differences and name the pro and cons of the different sources
  • name ways to verify the value and truth of a information from the internet
  • understand how to verify any information from the internet

He/She is able

  • to develop a strategy how to use a search engine to search required information
  • to use a search enginge like google purposefull
  • to decide on which sources he/she will start his/her search for information
  • to identify the origin of an information
  • to assess the value of an information

He/She is able

  • to apply strategies to use the right search terms depending on the contxt
  • to identify the right sources for the respective purpose when searching information
  • to evaluate and assess the value of a information in the internet

Learning material

Search engines

ExerciseShort descriptionTypeTime neededDescription and material
Lesson 01 - How to googleIn this lesson, students learn how to use search operators in search engines. By using different search operators the participants will learn how to use search engines more effectively.Group or individual work 30 min.detail description....
Lesson 02 - The search engine comparisonIn this exercise the participants get to know different search engines. They will learn about alternatives to Google and compare and qualitatively evaluate the results of the different search enginesGroup or individual work45 min.detail description....
Lesson 03 - Special search enginesBesides the classic search engines like Google and Bing, there are also special offers for certain use cases or search engines with other focuses. This exercise introduces some of these services.single work< 30 min.detail description....
Lesson 04 - Pictures reverse searchSearching for images for a specific search term is one thing. But it can be just as helpful to find out on which websites certain images are used. This is possible by using a so-called "reverse image search". single work< 30 min.detail description....
Lesson 05 - Change default search provider and browser

Worksheet: how do I change my default search provider? This exercise includes instructions for changing the default search engine in Chrome and Firefox browsers, and instructions for changing the default browser on Windows, Android and Apple devices 


~20 min.

Sources of Information

ExerciseShort descriptionTypeTime neededDescription and material
Lesson 06 -

Information sources on the Internet

What types of information sources are there? Which concrete websites and web offers can be used as a source of information? What are the advantages and what risks do they bring?Group work & plenum45 min.detail description....
Lesson 07 -

Information source "Wikipedia" 

In this exercise, learners are asked to engage with the Wikipedia platform as a source of information. Group or individual work30 min.detail description....

Verification of Information

ExerciseShort descriptionTypeTime neededDescription and material
Lesson 08 -

Verify Information

How can we assess the value of information? What criteria can we use to verify information in order to classify it?  Group work 30 -45 min.detail description....
Lesson 09 -

Recognise Advertising

In this exercise, the participants deal with different forms of advertising on the internet.   Group or individual work30 min.detail description....