c1 Communication

Last modified by Daniel Nübling on 2022/08/03 08:12


Communication connects people. The need to communicate is driven above all by the need to pass on information and to obtain information. Disseminating information, ever faster and more effectively, is something people already tried their hand at in antiquity. Already under Emperor Augustus, a system was created with the cursus publicus - a state news and transport system - which accelerated the transmission of news. A quantum leap in communication came with the invention of telegraphy in the 1830s and subsequently with telephony. Telephony had teething problems at the beginning because the sound quality was perceived as poor and many people simply perceived it as impersonal. It was not until the First World War that the telephone became accepted as a medium of communication. However, it was to take decades before it was fully accepted - namely until the 1970s. 

Communication via the internet did not take that long. The Arpanet (1969), the forerunner of the internet, was followed by e-mail applications (1971) and finally the World Wide Web (1989). While about 677 million people worldwide used the internet in 2002, by 2017 it was already 3.6 billion people. Relevant for this development was and is that the content of the internet is important for almost all areas of people's lives, whether for personal development or for everyday professional life. The internet enables the most diverse forms of communication within social coexistence. This requires a certain know-how to realise communication processes responsibly and purposefully. The broad field of digital communication offers various modes of communication, such as synchronous communication (real-time communication) via Skype, video chats, etc., as well as asynchronous communication (real-time communication). as well as asynchronous communication (non-simultaneous communication) via e-mail, forums for sending a message, SMS, etc. These forward-looking forms of communication not only overcome time and space, but also pose challenges to their users.

Learning aims

Learning aims
He/she understands the basic principles of communication and the differences between online and offline communication as well as verbal and non-verbal communication.
He/She knows
  • the basic principles and characteristics of online and offline communication
  • the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication
  • different types of online communication
  • different communication channels in the field of social media
He/she can
  • select an appropriate means of communication based on a specific context
  • communicate appropriately with others
He/she is able to
  • apply strategies to behave correctly when interacting in digital environments and to adapt to a specific audience.
  • decide which digital technologies he/she will use in order to select appropriate digital communication tools for a specific context

Learning material

ExerciseShort descriptionTypeTime neededDescription and material

c1L01 - Pictures on the web - more than 1000 words

In this exercise, participants learn about the meaning and impact of images and words they post online. By posting images and words, participants send and receive a lot of information and data. This should be done with care.Individual or group work, plenum4 units of 45 min.detail description....

c1L02 - My pictures on the net

This exercise deals with the effect of images on the web. Many people know how images work and what messages they can send. But what about images, graphics, emojis and the like that you send and post on the web? How are your images perceived? Do the image of yourself and the image of others match? Individual or group work, plenum4 units of 45 min.detail description....

c1L03 - Communicating via online communication channels - etiquette, netiquette, chatiquette

This exercise deals with the topic of "Netiquette and Chatiquette on the Internet" and is intended to sensitize participants to adapt their communication content as well as the way they communicate to the most diverse communication channels.Individual or group work, plenum4 units of 45 min.detail description....

c1L04 - Known social media platforms

In this exercise, the participants deal with a wide variety of social media platforms. Who uses them? Which social media platforms are suitable for which topics? Etc.Individual or group work, plenum4 units of 45 min.detail description....

c1L05 - Social media - I'll be online for a moment!

This exercise is designed to encourage learners to reflect on their use of social media and the impact it has on society.Individual or group work, plenum2-5 units of 45 min.detail description....